
Monday, January 28, 2013

VIO Server/Client 구성 방법

VIO 서버 구성 방법.
00.      사전준비.
a.      기종은 IBM Power5 이상 되어야함.
b.      Physical HDD 1 이상
c.      Physical Ethernet Card 1 이상.
d.      Physical CD-ROM Drive 필요함.
e.      Profile 변경시 마다, HMC에서 profile activate  재부팅 해야함.
f.       Press f5 to refresh HMC screen.
11.      VIOS 서버용 HMC 에서 partition profile 구성.
a.      CPU : micro-partition 으로 구성.
b.      물리적 IO  Resource 할당.
c.      HDD 1, Ethernet Card 1, cdrom 1. (최소)
d.      가상 Adapter : client OS 할당할 가상 Adapter 설정한다.
                                                    i.     Virtual Ethernet 3 (밑에 나옴)
                                                   ii.     SCSI 파티션(client) 숫자만큼.(밑에 다시 나옴.)
                                                  iii.     VLAN ID for vethernet. (밑에 나옴)
22.      VIOS 서버 OS 설치.
a.      Partition 재기동 하여, SMS에서 cdrom VIO CD 설치.
b.      리부팅후 padmin 패스워드 설정.
c.      #license –accept
  1. Define the VIO client LPAR:
    1. In the HMC, with your managed system selected, click Configuration ; Create Logical Partition ; AIX Server.
    2. Name your server, and call this profile client01 for ease.
    3. Give it the amount of processors, memory, and I/O resources you desire but do not create any virtual adapters at this time.
44.      VIOS SEA 구성.
a.      VIO 서버에서 Virtual Device 있어야함.
b.      #lsdev –virtual  <= virtual device 있어야함.
                     i.   ent2 Available Virtual I/O Ethernet Adapter (l-lan)

c.      #lsdev –type adapter
d.      SEA 만들기
                                                    i.     #mkvdev –sea ent0 -vadapter ent6 –default ent6 –defaultid 11 = this is the Virtual Adapter ID from the HMC.
                                                   ii.     #mkvdev –sea ent1 -vadapter ent7 –default ent7 –defaultid 12
                                                  iii.     #mkvdev –sea ent2 -vadapter ent8 –default ent8 –defaultid 13
e.      #lsdev –type adapter 확인
f.       #lsdev –dev entx 확인.
a.      VIOS tcpip 정보 구성 #cfgassist 실행.
b.      TCP/IP SEA IP 설정. (skip)
a.      #mktcpip –homename op34 –inetaddr x.x.x.x –interface en3 –netmask x.x.x.x –gateway x.x.x.x
b.      Ping the gateway. (Physical Device)

5.      VIO 서버 에서 Client SCSI/Disk 할당.
a.      HMC VIOS서버 Profile에서 client 파티션에 할당하는 Virtual SCSI Adapter 생성.
                                                    i.     Client Virtual SCSI ID 15.
b.      VIO Server 재부팅 (profile activation 에서)
c.      VIOS에서 client 할다용 LV 생성한다.
                                                    i.     #cfgassist 또는
                                                   ii.     #mkvg –f –vg sharedvg01 hdisk0  = VG 생성
                                                  iii.     #mklv -lv lv00 sharedvg01  50G  = LV00 생성
                                                  iv.     #mklv –lv lv01 sharedvg01 50G  = LV01 생성
                                                   v.     #mklv –lv lv02 sharedvg01 50G = LV02 생성.
d.      VIOS에서 LV 생성.
                                                    i.     #mkvdev -vdev lv00 -vadapter vhost0 -dev vclient_lv01(고유명사)
                                                   ii.     #mkvdev –vdev lv01 –vadapter vhost1 –dev vclient_lv02
                                                  iii.     #mkvdev –vdevlv02 –vadapter vhost2 –dev vclient_lv03
6.      VIO서버에서  CDROM 생성.
a.      #mkvdev –vdev cd0 –vadapter vhost0 –dev vcd0 (vhost0 cd 줄때)
b.      #mkvdev –vdev cd0 –vadapter vhost1 –dev vcd0 (vhost1 cd 줄때)
c.      #lvmap –all
7.      VTD 삭제
a.      #리소스 삭제 # rmvdev –vtd
8.      VIO Client 서버
a.      Profile에서 vadapter 생성. VIOS 같은 vlan default ID 설정.
b.      Profile => activate
c.      SMS 모드에서 CD 부팅.
d.      CD 6.1 OS Disk 삽입.
e.      AIX 6.1 설치, OS patch 설치.
f.       Virtual Device 확인.
g.      #lsdev –C | grep cd0
h.      #lsdev –C | grep ent
i.       #lspv

VIO Client 구성 방법.
Now that your VIO servers are up, the following procedure guides you through building a VIO client LPAR:
  1. Define the VIO client LPAR:
    1. In the HMC, with your managed system selected, click Configuration > Create Logical Partition > AIX Server.
    2. Name your server, and call this profile client01 for ease.
    3. Give it the amount of processors, memory, and I/O resources you desire but do not create any virtual adapters at this time.
  2. Create the VIO server disk resources:
    1. In the HMC, open the VIO servers' virtual-enabled profiles using the Configuration => Manage Profile => Click Profile => Actions => Edit menu.
    2. Click the Virtual Adapters tab.
    3. Click Actions > Create > Fiber Channel Adapter or SCSI Adapter.
    4. Enter the slot numbers from your spreadsheet.
    5. Select the Only selected client partition can connect option, and pick your VIO client LPAR.
    6. Shut down your VIO servers, and activate them from these profiles, or dynamically add the same resources to the LPARs.
Note: You created the VIO client LPAR as a blank slate so that you can define this easily.
  1. Edit the VIO client LPAR:
    1. In the HMC, open the VIO client LPARs' virtual-enabled profiles using the Edit menu.
    2. Click the Virtual Adapters tab.
    3. Click Actions > Create ; Fiber Channel Adapter or SCSI Adapter.
    4. Enter the slot numbers from your spreadsheet.
    5. Click Actions > Create ; Ethernet Adapter, set the Adapter ID, and enter VLANs as needed from your spreadsheet.
If you created virtual Fibre Channel adapters, click their properties to obtain their WWNs.
  1. Define the virtual SCSI disk maps (VIO):
    1. If you are using virtual SCSI adapters to serve disk resources, map those disks at this time from your SAN (if applicable).
    2. Log in to the VIO servers with the padmin user ID and run cfgdev to detect any new disks.
    3. Examine them with the lspv and lsdev –dev hdiskX –attr commands.
    4. Examine the vhosts on the server with the lsmap –all command.
    5. Run the following command to map the disks to the specified vhosts, giving them virtual target disk (VTD) names to help you track them as you desire:
mkvdev -vdev hdiskX -vadapter $VHOST -dev $VTD
  1. Define the virtual FC maps (VIO):
    1. If you are using virtual FC adapters to serve disk resources, examine the vfchosts on the server with the lsmap –all –npiv command.
    2. Run the following command to map the FC adapters to the specified vfchosts:
vfcmap -vadapter vfchostX -fcp fcsX
    1. Enter in your WWNs into your SAN and carve out and map disks. They will go to the VIO client LPARs.
  1. Activate the client LPARs (HMC):
    1. Select the VIO client LPARs, and click Operations ; Activate.
    2. Click Advanced, and choose SMS for the Boot mode.
    3. Select the check box to open a terminal screen.

7.      .

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